EzyStayz — Why Blockchain Integration in Vacation and Rental Service

4 min readJun 17, 2020


With regard to planning your vacation, data security is the last issue that individuals ordinarily consider.

We have all become accustomed to unified platforms, for example, Booking and AirBnb, and completely depend on them with the security of our data. Be that as it may, the size of the administration isn’t a record to ensure your data security.

The friendliness business is just a drop in the sea where the standards of shared connections can be actualized. Here at Ezystayz, we mean to give travelers modest accommodation administrations and help property owners get the greater part of their condos.

A peer-to-peer booking platform

Ezystayz speaks to a booking platform where travelers can interface legitimately with property owners and the most recent ones don’t need to part with their profit to a brought together gathering.

In contrast to unified administrations, we don’t clergyman the arrangements ourselves. Rather, we depend on savvy gets that help the funds to be discharged consequently when explicit conditions are met. This is the thing that it causes us to accomplish the accompanying outcomes.

Property owners don’t need to part with half of their benefits any longer and can set up lower costs for accommodation.

Travelers get a similar degree of administrations with full transparency of their expenses.
It is an open record that is noticeable for everybody on the web. The records about exchanges are changeless, they can never be adjusted or erased. The greatest bit of leeway that the blockchain gives considering the issues referenced above is data security. On the blockchain, exchanges are noticeable for everybody, except they are imitated. Just members of an arrangement will realize who sent how much cash to whom.

The key issues of the centralized hospitality platforms

Here are the key issues of the business that Ezystayz addresses.

1. High fees

Since the market is consumed by only a couple of organizations, they are allowed to set up whatever fees they want. Travelers need to pay high fees and property owners need to part with a lot of their benefits to these organizations.

With Ezystayz, clients will just need to pay a little expense for utilizing the administration, and property owners will get the vast majority of their income to themselves. Subsequently, they will have the option to offer accommodation at littler costs and still gain substantially more than on brought together platforms.

2. Data security

The brought together neighborliness administrations are the most loved focuses of programmers since they contain clients’ private data in a solitary database. Names, telephone numbers, locations, and Mastercard subtleties — one little security penetrate may prompt genuine data and cash misfortunes.

A decentralized platform, for example, Ezystayz depends on a huge number of endpoints appropriated across various areas. There is no single purpose of disappointment and no concentrated server to store clients’ data which makes it near difficult to break into such a framework and fills in as an assurance of your data security.

3. The need to trust

Its absolutely impossible for an adventurer to set up and plan with a property proprietor without a brought together middle person to oversee the installment procedure. Furthermore, the members of the arrangement need to indiscriminately confide in this middle person whose tasks are as a rule a long way from straightforward.

With Ezystayz, all exchanges are represented by a savvy contract. The funds are discharged just when the arrangement is finished and there’s no more need to trust to any outsider. Exchanges are confirmed on an open blockchain for all the invested individuals to check.

4. The Censorship

On the off chance that a brought together platform gets hindered by local authorities, its clients will lose access to its administrations.

A decentralized platform is invulnerable to any impact all things considered and works stable paying little heed to the political circumstance.

Why executes Ezystayz on blockchain technologies

On our platform, travelers will have the option to interface with property owners straightforwardly and direct secure exchanges without depending their data to any outsider.

Ezystayz has no focal database to store your data and bank card subtleties. All exchanges are directed on the blockchain in a scrambled manner leaving not a solitary gap for a data break.

For more information, kindly visit the official resources of the project:

WEBSITE: https://io.ezystayz.com/#/
WHITEPAPER: https://ezys-cdn.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/images/pdfPaper/WhitePaperEzyStayz16july.pdf
FACEBOOK: https://web.facebook.com/ezystayzofficial/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ezystayz2014
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/EzyStayz
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/ezystayz/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDvQOHa-9pwh_PEEsgjsFWQ/featured

Author: Usernama: walesodiya

BitcoinTalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2160355

Proof of Authentication: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5238602.msg54325501#msg54325501

Wallet Address: 0x2Df783e72D852C27009249e4239C9e794866e855

